Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bentornati! Welcome back!

Welcome to SicilyCuisine! It’s great to be back!
Lo Stagnone Painted Tile ArteCeramica,Marsala
My journey these past few months has been one of creative discovery, with time spent amid the pleasures of my life—family, cooking, gardening, traveling, writing and painting, all of which I will be sharing with you. Carl Gustav Jung once said, “The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect, but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.”   And so I have taken time to play and now happily share with you the fruits of my recreation.
Our summer garden in San Diego is still thriving at this late date, providing us with a bounty of vegetables including tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, to name a few, along with a new addition this year of a Sicilian squash variety called “cucuzza”.  Ask any Sicilian what cucuzza is.  I’ll have more on that later, including some delicious recipes for its preparation.    The Lagoon in San Diego, as well as the lagoon of my home town of Marsala, Lo Stagnone,  continue to inspire my art and I will be sharing my photographs and my own oil paintings for you to enjoy.
My Californian Lagoon

I’m looking forward to exploring with you the colors, tastes, aromas and sights of Sicily  in the days to come.  Bentornati

Ciao a presto!

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